Yeshua Adored - Devotionals linked to Yeshua Explored
Discover the life and times of Jesus Christ in his Jewish setting.
Read devotional articles linked to the Yeshua Explored serialised extracts from Steve’s book ‘Jesus Life and Times’.
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Ep. 46: Parting of the Ways
This is where the grumbling started, when they started doubting, when they started saying, wait a minute isn’t this the carpenter’s son?
Ep. 45: Traditions of the Elders
Here is a persistent theme throughout the Gospels, Jesus being pulled up for his disregard for man-made traditions, though he never transgressed Biblical laws laid down in Old Testament Scripture.
Ep. 44: Walking on water
As with the feeding of the five thousand, stories can be so familiar that they lose all impact and become well-worn cliches.
Ep. 43: Feeding of the 5000
Sometimes stories can be so familiar that they lose all impact and become well-worn cliches.
Ep. 42: The death of John
So Herod the tetrarch, aided and abetted by the women in his life, did away with the inconvenient prophet.
Ep. 41: Calling card
John the Baptist, as he suffered in his prison captivity, had to be absolutely sure that Jesus was “the one.”
Ep. 38: True success
So Jesus sent out the twelve disciples into the wide wide world to see how they would fare.
Ep. 37: Living the life
Those who knew Jesus when he was growing up among them in Nazareth were among those who had the most trouble accepting him for who he was now.