Yeshua Adored - Devotionals linked to Yeshua Explored

Discover the life and times of Jesus Christ in his Jewish setting.

Read devotional articles linked to the Yeshua Explored serialised extracts from Steve’s book ‘Jesus Life and Times’.

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Front cover of Jesus Life and Times by Steve Maltz
Steve Maltz Steve Maltz

Ep. 36: Trust in him

Jesus always did the impossible and it always helped when the person he is faced with has sufficient faith in him to start with.

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Steve Maltz Steve Maltz

Ep. 35: Authority

Jesus was faced with a demoniac (or perhaps two), who knew without doubt who he was facing, Jesus, Son of the Most High God.

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Steve Maltz Steve Maltz

Ep. 34: My storm

Jesus calmed the storm to make two points. Firstly, to demonstrate his mastery over the elements, which his disciples acknowledged. Secondly, to demonstrate what little faith his disciples had in him, with them believing that all that came before was pointless and that they were all going to die.

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Steve Maltz Steve Maltz

Ep. 33: The sower

The Parable of the sower was one of Jesus’ key teachings, with a farmer sowing seed, with varying results depending on where the seed was sown; some fell on a path and were trampled on, some fell on rocky ground and its plants withered, some fell upon thorns and the plants were choked, but some fell on good soil and thrived.

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Steve Maltz Steve Maltz

Ep. 32: Be careful!

This was a turning point in Jesus’s relationship to those Pharisees who were following him around, observing and criticising.

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Steve Maltz Steve Maltz

Ep. 31: Mission

Jesus operated on two levels. He not only taught the good news to all who would listen, but he also demonstrated his Kingdom, through his healings and miracles.

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Steve Maltz Steve Maltz

Ep. 30: The Women

It was when I was writing a screenplay based on the events of the Gospels that I realised how few women there were in the story; of fifty-five characters, barely five of them were female, most of them called ‘Mary’.

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Steve Maltz Steve Maltz

Ep. 29: Undesirables

However secure we may feel in our Christian lifestyle, the real test is when our cosiness is disrupted and we find ourselves thinking before acting.

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Steve Maltz Steve Maltz

Ep. 27: Authority

This pagan, this Roman Centurion showed more faith in Jesus than anyone else in Israel. This Gentile had put the Jews to shame here.

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