Yeshua Adored - Devotionals linked to Yeshua Explored

Discover the life and times of Jesus Christ in his Jewish setting.

Read devotional articles linked to the Yeshua Explored serialised extracts from Steve’s book ‘Jesus Life and Times’.

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Front cover of Jesus Life and Times by Steve Maltz
Steve Maltz Steve Maltz

Ep. 26: The Kingdom

Here the Kingdom of Heaven is introduced in the beatitudes. We are provided with a series of blessings associated with mourning, meekness, seeking after righteousness, mercy, purity of heart, peace-making and persecution.

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Steve Maltz Steve Maltz

Ep. 25: The Chosen

Can you imagine being chosen among Jesus’ first twelve disciples, being part of the most famous and effective dozen in history?

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Steve Maltz Steve Maltz

Ep. 22: Unhelpful zeal

Yes, he had received a remarkable miracle, perhaps the first leper to be healed in such a way, but … all he was asked in return was to tell no-one except the priests.

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Steve Maltz Steve Maltz

Ep. 21: Single minded

Jesus knew his mission. It is a shame others could not see beyond their personal needs.

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Steve Maltz Steve Maltz

Ep. 20: Unprecedented!

It was all a matter of authority. No-one had seen such authority before. Demonic spirits were powerless before his command, because they knew who they were dealing with.

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Steve Maltz Steve Maltz

Ep. 19: Show and tell

Jesus had been with his friends for a little time but now he felt that it was time they ‘manned up’ and became more than just friends, but disciples, called out for serious duty

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Steve Maltz Steve Maltz

Ep. 18: Contrast!

One the one hand, there’s the way we do things; we have our ways of producing results and our own times for carrying out these ways.

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Steve Maltz Steve Maltz

Ep. 17: Dangerous Truth

Can you imagine how it was? The carpenter’s son had returned to his home town and given the privilege of reading from the sacred scroll in the Synagogue, then preaching from it.

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