Yeshua Adored - Devotionals linked to Yeshua Explored
Discover the life and times of Jesus Christ in his Jewish setting.
Read devotional articles linked to the Yeshua Explored serialised extracts from Steve’s book ‘Jesus Life and Times’.
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Ep. 16: Absolute faith
How much faith was shown by that simple declaration from that Gentile official, the man took Jesus at his word and departed?
Ep. 15: You never know
She boldly told him that they were not social equals and it was the open hearted boldness of this woman that produced a revelation and a blessing not just for herself but for many in the local town.
Ep. 14: In secret
The most telling feature of Jesus’ interaction with Nicodemus for me was a matter of time and place, rather than of content.
Ep. 13: The game had started
Jesus was starting to cause a stir now, nothing bigger than disrupting the corrupt businesses in the Temple. Naturally people now asked, who was this man who does such things?
Ep. 12: Amazing!
Sometimes familiarity with a story produces a numbness to its impact. The ‘water into wine’ episode is one such event. Think about it.
Ep. 11: The Call
What is my calling? How many times we have heard this. Your calling is when you gave your life to Jesus and made him Lord over everything.
Ep. 10: Resist!
If Jesus needed a forty day fast to build himself up to his duel with the devil in the desert, then perhaps the point is driven home to us, always be prepared for battle.
Ep. 9: The Voice
It was all about the voice, or The Voice, the Voice from Heaven that proclaimed, This is my Son, whom I love; with him I am well pleased.
Ep. 8: It’s not about me!
John the Baptist may have looked rough and ready but he was of good stock, not just the product of two priestly lines, but with his blood connection to the Messiah himself.
Ep. 7: Obedience
Here was a boy destined to have the greatest impact on the world ever, a youth born to be King and Saviour of Mankind. He had just given early signs of his greatness and understanding of his future role, by bamboozling the rabbis in the Temple.