Yeshua Adored - Devotionals linked to Yeshua Explored
Discover the life and times of Jesus Christ in his Jewish setting.
Read devotional articles linked to the Yeshua Explored serialised extracts from Steve’s book ‘Jesus Life and Times’.
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Ep. 6: Between the lines
Joseph’s life is very much read ‘between the lines’. Although we don’t read about him any more after these passages, we do appreciate the impact he had on the life of the boy Jesus, who grew and became strong.
Ep. 5: Star of hope
It was a dangerous business being born into a world that had such high expectations for you, even to trigger the most evil-hearted to want to rid the world of you.
Ep. 4: Potential!
Can you imagine being told that you wouldn’t die until you have met a certain person? Simeon, a man of holy pedigree, figured that he’d hedge his bets by lurking in the Jerusalem Temple itself, the most likely place to witness the coming of the Messiah
Ep. 3: Yeshua adored
At centre stage is the new-born, resting among the straw and dung, protected by his devoted mother and ‘adopted’ father. Enter stage right the shepherds, these edgy, hardened shepherds.
Ep. 2: Mary’s triumph
Teenage virgin Mary had none of the earthly advantages of her priestly relative, but she scored over him in the only way that really mattered, her response to the Angel and the message brought.
Ep 1. : Zechariah’s folly
Here was a man twice-blessed by virtue of his priestly inheritance and that of his wife’s too. But the greatest blessing was being chosen by God, through the lot, to perform a task that was to be the pinnacle of his career.