Yeshua Explored Ep. 69: Walking the Walk

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LUKE 12:1 – 13:17

This passage gave many instances when the Pharisees didn’t act in accordance with their calling. In other words, they were hypocrites. Jesus spoke of the ‘yeast of the Pharisees’, which is hypocrisy.

How we can learn from their mistakes and how our current “church” seems to be making the very same mistakes! As ever we take our example from Jesus, rather than the modern day “Pharisees” in our contemporary Church, leaders who are not exactly ‘walking the walk’. We must remember that as we observe this behaviour in others, non-believers, particularly family and friends, may be observing this in us. “Judge not that you may be judged!” Let’s all make sure that we are ‘walking the walk’ in everything that we do.


Ep. 70: My Sheep


Ep. 68: Woes