Yeshua Explored - Extracts from Jesus Life and Times

Discover the life and times of Jesus Christ in his Jewish setting.

Read serialised extracts from ‘Jesus Life and Times’, each with an associated devotional.

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Steve Maltz Steve Maltz

Ep. 36: Miracles of faith

There seems remarkable similarity between the two miracles of Jesus on leaving Capernaum and those which he did on his return.

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Steve Maltz Steve Maltz

Ep. 35: The demoniac at Gerasa

That day of wonders was not yet ended. We suppose the Saviour and his disciples to have landed on the other side of the lake late in the evening. All the circumstances lead us to regard the healing of the demonised at Gerasa as a night scene, immediately on Christ’s arrival from Capernaum and after the calming of the storm at sea.

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Steve Maltz Steve Maltz

Ep. 34: The storm

It was the evening and once more great multitudes were gathering to him. What more will he have to say to those who had heard his teaching in parables that morning? he was desperately tired but his work had to go on.

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Steve Maltz Steve Maltz

Ep. 33: Parables

We are once more with Jesus and his disciples by the Lake of Galilee. It is later in winter, perhaps a few weeks before Passover. Jesus had left the house with his disciples and so many people had come to hear him that he had to address them from a boat.

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Steve Maltz Steve Maltz

Ep. 32: Beelzebub

But the raising of the dead at Nain put them on full alert and news of this reached the leaders at Jerusalem. There seems just sufficient time between this and the healing of the demonised dumb man for them to witness this significant event.

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Steve Maltz Steve Maltz

Ep. 31: Mission

It was on this return journey to Capernaum that the two blind men had their sight restored. It was then, also, that the healing of the demonised dumb man took place.

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Steve Maltz Steve Maltz

Ep. 30: The Women

However interesting and important it is to follow the steps of Jesus through Galilee, the task of recording it all chronologically seems rather tricky.

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Steve Maltz Steve Maltz

Ep. 29: The Harlot and the Pharisee

The next recorded event in Jesus’ journey through Galilee followed almost immediately. This concerns the much-forgiven woman who had much sinned

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Steve Maltz Steve Maltz

Ep. 28: The Widow of Nain

It was early Springtime in Galilee. Yesterday, it was the sorrow of the pagan Centurion which touched the heart of the Supreme Commander of life and death.

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Steve Maltz Steve Maltz

Ep. 27: The Centurion’s servant

We are once again in Capernaum. It is remarkable how much in the life and ministry of Jesus centres around that little fishing town. Here was the home of that believing Court official, whose child Jesus had healed.

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Steve Maltz Steve Maltz

Ep. 26: The Sermon on the Mount

Before the calling of the Twelve as his ambassadors and representatives, Jesus probably spent a night of lonely prayer on one of those mountain ranges which stretch to the north of Capernaum. But as dawn broke, the eager multitude waited for him on the plateau beneath.

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Steve Maltz Steve Maltz

Ep. 25: The Disciples

The call of Matthew accompanied the call of the other disciples (who were also designated Apostles), starting with Peter and Andrew, James and John, Philip and Bartholomew (or Bar Telamyon generally supposed the same as Nathanael).

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Steve Maltz Steve Maltz

Ep. 24: Call of Matthew

There are two main differences between Christianity and all other religious systems, including Rabbinic Judaism. All others offer no hope to the sinner until, through some means. He ceases to be a sinner.

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Steve Maltz Steve Maltz

Ep. 23: The Paralysed Man

We know that the Gospels only report events of importance to the narrative of his life and times so it is interesting to note that, in the second journey of Jesus through Galilee, no other special event is recorded than the healing of the leper.

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Steve Maltz Steve Maltz

Ep. 22: The Leper

Significantly, his work began where that of the Rabbis ended. Whatever remedies - medical, magical, or sympathetic - Rabbinic writings may indicate for various kinds of disease, leprosy is not included in the catalogue.

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Steve Maltz Steve Maltz

Ep. 21: Turning point

What an exhausting day that must have been for him. Yet, the following day, Jesus woke up very early, between three and six o’clock in the morning. It was not until some time afterwards that the disciples went out looking for him.

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Steve Maltz Steve Maltz

Ep. 20: One evening at Capernaum

It was the first Sabbath after his return from Jerusalem and the calling of his disciples. He was now being watched from afar. It seems that the authorities of Jerusalem had sent people to track his steps in Galilee.

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Steve Maltz Steve Maltz

Ep. 19: Fishers of men

As Jesus returned to Galilee, it would have been a relief to escape from the stifling spiritual atmosphere of Jerusalem; from the self-seeking, intellectual, heartless collection of Rabbis, whose first active persecution Jesus had just encountered in Jerusalem, to the honest, simple, earnest, impulsive Galileans.

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Steve Maltz Steve Maltz

Ep. 18: Healing and the Sabbath

Autumn came and Jesus travelled from Galilee to ‘an unknown feast’ in Jerusalem, possibly Rosh Hashanah, the Feast of Trumpets. It appears that he was alone.

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Steve Maltz Steve Maltz

Ep. 17: Jesus returns home

After a short stay in Cana, we follow Jesus to Nazareth, the city of his childhood. It has only been a few months since he left there, but much had happened since!

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