Ep. 73: The Prodigal Son

CLICK HERE for the corresponding blog post in Yeshua Explored


The story and theme of the prodigal son features strongly in my family. I wrote an audio drama on the theme a couple of years ago (set in a Pie & Mash shop!) and my youngest son has co-authored a theatre production on it this year. But, most poignantly, another son is still out there languishing in the world and we are waiting for his return as a hoped for ‘prodigal son’.

How many of us can identify with this? We all surely know someone who, in our view, has drifted away from the truth. Yet God wants all to know Him, so our duty is to pray for these loved ones, for their eyes to be opened and for a longing for the certainties to return to them. Let’s all think now and start that process as we read this.


Yeshua Adored Ep. 74: God and Money


Ep. 72: Don’t worry … be happy?